
Batchwords to the girls and another to the boys".

This book has a good deal in it for the student of emininity- and pseudofemininity but leaves much un- .nswered. At least it confirms what we all have suspected hat genuine" girls are almost as phony as TVs!!


In TVia #30 I mentioned the leaflets that I have een passing out at lectures and suggested that if enough of you showed interest I would print a lot and they could >e bought and mailed out. About 10 responses came in o I took the gamble and had a lot of them printed up.

It is one thing to bemoan the ignorance and prejudices which we must face, but it is something else to take part n doing something about it, to fight back as it were. I have now prepared the ammunition for you, I hope you will be willing to get some and join the fray. It is a very nice looking 9 page leaflet with a mustard colored cover, a forward explaining why it was sent to the re- ipient and is marked on the back as being distributed ›y the Foundation. It is offered to you at 10¢ which only ust covers the costs of preparing, printing, handling and nailing.

I'd like to see everyone who reads this journal buy bout 50 of these and send them to doctors, judges, mar- iage counsellors, Police chiefs and junior officers, pro- ninant lawyers, legal departments of the Armed Services, lewspapers columnists, ministers, and anyone else deal- ng with problems of human behaviour. At 10¢ apiece to

uy, 4¢ unsealed postage and l¢ for an envelope they are Loing to cost you 15¢ each or $7.50 for 50 of them. Can't you afford that much for the cause, for the education of >eople who create public opinion and who might someday ave something to say about your destiny?


Order From:

Chevalier Publications Angeles 36, California.



Box 36091

